Boston Wedding Photographer, Stephanie Vegliante Photography |
With the holidays and New Year also comes lots of happiness, joy, and excitement. Adria and Mike certainly had an abundance of all three during their Boston winter wedding. Their wedding day had ideal winter weather with the gorgeous sun peeking through all day. We made our way to the North End of Boston for their St.Leonard’s ceremony then took advantage of the twinkling city on our way to their reception. After capturing a gorgeously lit couples portrait session of the bride and groom we entered the most stunning reception room. A black dance floor was the main focus of the ballroom with candle-lit tables, black accents, and deep, rich, florals by The Wild Dahlia added just enough accents. Renee Sabo of Urban Soiree and her team made magic with this room and not a detail went unnoticed.
Adria and Mike’s genuine kindness and excitement was the most fantastic way to wrap up my 2019 season and I’m so thankful to have worked with them on their incredible day. If you’re wondering whether or not to take a few risks with color and style on your wedding day like they did, go for it! The gain is always worth it and uniqueness will never go out of style.
Boston Harbor Hotel Wedding, Boston MA | Boston Wedding Photographer, Stephanie Vegliante Photography
venue, catering + bar service | Boston Harbor Hotel // @bostonharbor_weddings
wedding planner + designer | Urban Soiree // @urban_soiree
photography | Stephanie Vegliante Photography // @stephanievegliante
cinematography | Next Level Films // @nextlevelfilms
floral designer | The Wild Dahlia // @wilddahlia_
rentals | Peak Event Services // @peakeventservices
lighting // @elevated_pro_services
stationary | The Paper Perfectionist // @thepaperperfectionist
day of calligraphy signs + escort board | Ridgely Calligraphy // @ridgelycalligraphy
associate photographer | Alisha Norden // @alishanordenphotography
entertainment | Hot Mess // @hotmessboston @hankagencyrocks
hair stylist | Mari Cruz Hairstyles // @maricruzhairstyles
makeup artist | Amanda McCarthy Beauty // @amandamccarthybeauty
church // Saint Leonard of Port Maurice Parish
transportation | Rockstar Limo // @rockstar_limo